Friday, June 25, 2010

Last Post for a Couple of Days...

Okay so right now I´m in the computer lab at school doing one last blog before I leave for the beach. I will not be taking my computer so I wanted to do a quick post. Yesterday was a pretty easy day overal. I had only had my second class and it was fun but boring at the same time. We played Bingo to practice saying our numbers which was great because I love that game! And it was my lucky day because I got the first Bingo! I won a piece of caramel...I guess that´s better than nothing! After that we each wrote down eight numbers on our paper and then took turns writing out the numbers on the board. For example: I would say 8 and then someone in the class would write down ´eight´. It sounds easy but imagine 257,552 in espanol! Because their money is in colones (approx 550 colones per dollar)their numbers get super high. I bought some things at the supermarket yesterday and it was 7,540 colones so practicing those high numbers was greatly needed! So overall a very easy class! Oh I forgot to mention about before class! Kayla and I left the house early so we could walk around downtown. We at a panderíá (which is a bakery) and I got a chicken empanada and two cookies, like shortbread cookies with my favorite new fruit, guyaba! The empanada and the cookies only cost about $1! Food seems to be quite a bit cheaper here which is pretty sweet! I also took some pictures of downtown so I will post them....well next week now. From the small amount of time I was outside (probably an hour) my shoulders got a little red! The sun is crazy strong here! I will definitely need a lot of sunscreen at the beach!!! Ok now fastforward back to after class....for dinner we had tomato soup and some pasta dish. I was super nervous to try the soup, but I did and it was really good! Kayla said it was better than Campbells, but homemade is always better! Then some random man came to the door with a long branch with was eucalyptis. She bought it so I could put it in my room for my asthma! She has definitely taken on the role of mother! After that we took a little walk down to another house where Maru´s friend lives. Her house was like an old woman´s house in the states...with pictures and little trinkets everywhere! She had 5 Chichuauas! Five of those little yappy dogs!!! (This morning at breakfast when Maru told Luis about the woman having five dogs he said ´Que feo!´, which means ´How ugly/awful!´. It was so funny!) Turns out she was from Russia and married a Tican, which explains why she was white! I was super confused the whole time about what she was because she had a funky accent and about halfway through I stopped listening and did the smile and nod thing! She is one of those crazy anxious women who when they find someone to talk to, they talk talk talk talk! We were there for like an hour and a half! She had one boy who was 28 (who still lives at home and goes out every night like a college kid), another boy who is our age, and a 16 year old. Funny story of the day involves the boy who is our age. I knew that it was a custom for people to kiss each other on the cheek when they greet each other but I had never experienced it before! Well last night the middle boy came home as we were sitting at the table and gave me and Kayla the customary greeting kiss. Needless to say it startled me and Kayla and me tried to laugh discretely...although that was an epic fail!!! I had to explain to Maru that kissing on the cheek is not normal in Tennessee, we shake hands. And she thought that was weird! The crazy woman fed us paninis and Russian tea...even though we had just eaten dinner! The tea was pretty good but then the woman decided that we needed a natural sugar cube thing to put in our tea. Well this did not go well with Kayla´s stomach...but it did get us a way out of the house!!! After our little adventure with the crazy lady we were pooped! We went to be excited for the beach! This morning we had to bring our bags to school because we leave right after class. Well we each had a bunch of bags and we were worried that we were going to have to lug then to the bus stop and then on the bus. Well Maru had thought ahead and drove us to school! She is such a sweetheart! Well I´m off to class and then the beach....I will post next week!


  1. Have a great time at the beach. I like enjoying Costa Rica through your eyes.
    Love you

  2. Hey doll..I will have you some tomato soup when you come home!!!!so glad you are liking some of the food...and have a wonderful "mother"..again so great to hear from you and hoping you had a wonderful week-end at the beach
    love you, Gr Mama

  3. I can't wait for you to get home so you can be nice and try to eat things here. All this american food should be easy for you to eat. Sounds like Maru is doing a good job being your momma, I'm so thankful you have someone so caring. I prayed hard that you would get a great host family that would be a good fit for you and I see that my prayer was answered.Please tell her how much I appreciate her. I would tell her myself if I could speak spanish, oh well. Hope you have a great time at the beach. Love u and the next time I talk to u we will be at the beach too. Wish u could be with us. Love, Mom
