Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Terrible Tuesday....for my nails!

Tuesday mornings are always our "sleep in" Maru's standards anyways! We don't have to get out of bed until 8:30 but that is still much earlier than we would like! We had the lovely rice and beans for breakfast...definitely not my favorite! I tried it once and that fine with me...I don't care if I ever eat it again! It's not awful but when I think breakfast I just don't think about beans....well I really don't think of them for any meal :) We didn't have to be at school until 12:30 for our meeting so we wasted a little time at the house before heading that way. Our next weekend adventure is in Arenal, which is an active volcano. It sounds pretty fun but if the weather is not perfect we won't be able to see it at all. And right now the weather is super unpredictable! After our weekly meeting, our cultural activity was to talk with other Ticos as the university. It was pretty fun because they were learning English and going through the same struggles as us. The only bad part was that it was for 3 LONG hours...we thought it was only 2. But after that we went downtown so I could get my nails done...this is where the real story begins! Our mom had told us about a place that we should go to so that's where we went. At first there was a problem because the Spanish textbooks in high school don't have a section on "getting your nails done". The woman wasn't particularly familiar with acrylic nails because apparently they use gel - red flag number one. Once it was clear what I wanted, they sent me to the only Asian in the room's table. I do not mean that in a racist way but at the time I felt more comfortable because in the states most of the nail people are foreign. There were little things here and there that were out of the normal order but I tried to tell myself that it would turn out the same. When I asked for him to make them shorter he pulls out finger nail clippers! (I know most of the people reading this are unfamiliar with nails but normally they use a drill thingy and sand down the nails to make them shorter). What I didn't know at the time was that my cuticles on my left hand had grown out much longer underneath my nail than on my right so when he cut my nails, he cut them too! You know when your nail rips and it goes back to the nail bed- hurts doesn't it?! Well imagine that on four fingers with acetone being poured on them! It hurt so bad I had to bite my tongue to keep from crying! Now I know I am not known for my pain tolerance but I am telling you it felt like my nails were on fire! So that was a HUGE red flat number two. After he is done, and I think it can't get any worse, a woman comes over to paint my nails. Well I asked for the French tips (normally airbrushed on) and the woman comes over with a bottle of polish. I turn to Kayla and say 'Oh no I am picky, I am picky. This is not going to be good!'. Boy was I right! She paints the thinnest white line you've ever seen and they are so crooked I think Matthew could've done a better job! It was getting dark, and I knew that polish was going to come off as soon as possible, so we left before they had a chance to dry. Outside we were able to look at them and take it all in...and boy was it a lot to take in! Kayla joked and said that they were Pura Vida nails! (Pura Vida is a phrase in Costa Rica that means: it's all good, don't worry about it!). We were bent over we were laughing so hard in the middle of downtown! As soon as I got home I took it off! So at the moment I have unpainted acrylic nails, mainly because I scared to get them painted or filled again! For dinner we had tilapia and is still new but I can get it down! After dinner we watched Maru take a slice of lime, put some salt on it and eat it. Well Kayla and I decided we'd try it, because after all Maru said it was rico! Kayla did it first and to put it lightly she didn't like it! Then I had the bright idea I'd try it and it was not pretty! As soon as it touched my tongue my mouth started drooling, and it wouldn't stop! I'm coughing because it's burning my throat and I'm trying to put napkins to my mouth so I don't drool on the table! Kayla and I decided it was NOT rico!

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,
    I'm sorry it hurt so badly when you had your nails done. I feel your pain, but I can't stop laughing at your drooling after the lime/salt fiasco:) Back to your nails, I have gel nails and I love them--but they may be different there. Just think, you've been there almost two weeks and look at all you've done. I can picture some of what you describe. Hope you have a great weekend.
    Love you
