Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rollercoaster of a Day

Okay so a lot has happened since I posted this morning. At breakfast we had pancakes, cereal, yogurt, and fresh fruit. I discovered that the familiar fruits are my "comfort fruits": strawberries, watermelon, and bananas. So this morning when I was eating my watermelon I decided to see if they ate salt on their watermelon in Costa Rica. Well Maru had never heard of it and I told her I hadn't tried it but my family loved it! So she tried it and didn't really like it and it was my turn. Well I put WAY too much salt on it and put the salted side directly on my tongue...I nearly spit it out! But I did try another one with MUCH less salt and it was MUCH better! I don't know if I've mentioned it before but there are two parrots that live here in a cage outside. This morning I decided to go out and say hello to them....apparently I startled them and they in turn scared me to death! Never again will I startle a parrot! After the parrot incident Kayla and I got on the bus to go to school and when our stop came up I thought I hit the button but apparently not hard enough! All of the other stops were like twenty feet apart but when we passed ours we kept on a going into the downtown area. We thought 'Well surely we'll stop soon' but nope! The bus physically stopped several times because we were in traffic but when we asked him if we could get off the answer was no. Seriously of all of the rules that they don't follow they follow THAT one!?!? Now remember this is super humid hot Costa Rica and we had to walk forever to the university and then sit in a class without air conditioning. Kayla lives in Miami during the school year so she was kind of used to it. Well I looked like I had run a dang marathon! I was sweating, my face was red, and I was burning up! To top things off I forgot where my class was and walked up four flights of steps three least I got some exercise today :) My first class was long and very uneventful but the second is a different story. I believe the culture shock finally hit and of course it had to be in a class! We were sharing our opinions on an article in the paper (our homework was to find an article in the Spanish newspaper and read it aloud). Well when I was giving my opinion someone in the class with an opposite opinion kinda made an immature face and shoulder gesture at my opinion. Well then the waves of emotion came all at once. I miss my fiance, my family, my friends and most of all my LANGUAGE! There are so many things I want to say but I truly can't express myself the way I want. Later in the class when it was my turn to read my article, which I practiced by reading to Maru and outloud to myself, it did not go so well. This frustrated me so bad because before class I heard everyone talking about how they had just read it 30 minutes before class and had gotten completely wasted the night before. It's just super discouraging because I know the teacher doesn't think I did my homework. And after that he asked me and another girl (who read the same article) to help each other with explaining it....well I thought he was saying that we helped each other in a sense cheat. Well I think she thought the same thing because we both stared at each other and then at the teacher who thought that we hadn't really read it. But I tried to make up for it by giving, what I thought, was a pretty good summary of the article. Although I am a little discouraged I know it will get better and that this "slump" is common. But I do have a funny story to end this blog....Kayla and I had talked earlier in the week about Maru doing our laundry and if she was going to wash our underwear and if so, were they going to be on display for everyone to see on the line? Well our question was answered today when we got home! We walked in and said hi to some of the people in the house and then looked outside and saw it.....our underwear! Well we both busted out laughing and laughed all the way up the stairs....I'm sure they thought we were crazy! But we couldn't get them down because we would've had to walk past everyone, get them down with everyone watching through the window, and then walk back in the house carrying them! Although it was pretty embarrassing, it did help put a smile on my face after a not so great day!


  1. Rachel,

    Thanks for much for blogging every day and giving us a glimpse of your Costa Rica life.... It has been fun to hear all your funny and exciting stories. So glad you have kept your sense of humor through the tough times. I'm sure everyday will get easier and the language will continue to make more sense. Keep your head up and work hard to show them how intelligent and competitive you are. You may appear "behind" a bit now... but I'll bet you'll finish at the top of your class! Your honesty, integrity and faith will show through. Keep the blogs coming... they are a fun part of my day now. We love you and so proud of you.

    Uncle Phillip

  2. So good to get your BLOG! Do I sounds cool?I cried and laughed at the same time. Knowing full well you will make it, that streak of "fight" is coming through. Keep yourself motivated to conquer what ever comes by! Remember you are a Irwin!Love you, GM

  3. How you brighten my day! I'm sorry for the stressful day, but I know you will come through with flying colors. At least you know you have clean underwear:) Have a great day today. I love you.

  4. Been loving your blogs. I'm sorry you had such a rough day, but I know you will come out on top. You are a very smart young lady. It's the emotions kicking in!! Hold on to your faith and keep that wonderful sense of humor!! We love you and can't wait for you to get home. I think that will call for a big party!!!

  5. I look forward every day for the blog. It helps me feel like I am there with you.I know everything will be ok. It will get easier for you everyday. Just have faith in yourself, you can do it. I will continue to pray for you. I love you and miss you. Keep your chin up. Love, Mom
