Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Second Day and Oh So Long...

Well I was too tired last night to post anything so here it goes. For breakfast Maru made us french toast stuffed with pineapple and cream cheese. She then walked us to the bus stop and rode with us to school...our first day :) The bus far is about 50 cents so it is a very cheap way to travel. But there are so many stops it took us about thirty minutes to go 3 miles. It was quite an experience! I was a nervous wreck the whole time, which my roommate and Maru thought was quite funny! When we arrived at ULACIT, the university where I am taking classes, we had a quick tour of the building. It's not really a campus, just one building with five floors that resembles a motel because it is not completely enclosed. We got a lot of stares from the students there! My roommate, Kayla, and I have the same classes which is VERY nice! Our first one begins at 10 and lasts until 1, but he does give us about a 30 minute break. There are only 10 of us in the class and they are all from our group. The second class, same room and same teacher (only one other girl has our same schedule) lasts from 1:30 until 4:30. I began to get a little distracted and bored in that one but I learned so much! He taught us about diptongos, hiatos, and separating words into syllables (I know most of you do not know what that means) which turned out to be very easy! My last Spanish teacher this Spring tried to teach me that but I did not get it at ALL! We have homework but it's not too bad. After our classes Maru picked met us again and rode the bus with us back home. There is a little from from the bus stop and when we were walking back I decided to cross the street. It wasn't a busy street at all but there was a car coming. So I thought I could hurry to the other side of the street because the driver is going to stay on the right side and once I get on the left side I will be ok. Well I forgot the minor detail that they do pay attention to the lines in the street and in fact there weren't lines on that street. So when he saw me walking in the road he swerved around me and I simply froze I was so scared! I wasn't close to getting run over but I have an issue about crossing the street in the states, well here I about peed my pants! The others seemed to think that was funny too! We did not get back to the house until about 5:15 so there was a snack waiting on us. It looked like a stuffed hamburger bun...not with cream cheese and pineapple but with chicken and Lord only knows what else! But I did not look and simply proceeded to eat it. There happened to be a spoon laying there (turns out if was for our coffee) and so Kayla and I looked at each other, looked at the spoon, and looked at the stuffed hamburger bun. Not wanting to offend anyone with bad table manners we began to eat it with a spoon! We cut it like you would cut something with a fork, put it on the spoon and put it in our mouths. Well one of the grandkids was there and thought it was absolutely hillarious and starting laughing at us while one of the daughter explained to us to use our hands. Kayla and I started laughing at each other because we realized how stupid we must've looked!!! After that moment passed we went into the family room and watched Toy Story 2, en espanol of course, until dinner. For dinner Maru fixed spaghetti with homemade sauce. Everything she makes is homemade and is all delicious. For dessert we had flan, the taste was very good but I couldn't think about the texture or I wouldn't have been able to eat it! After that my asthma was bothering me, didn't even know I had a little bit of asthma until this year but when I began coughing two days ago Maru immediately asked if I had asthma. It gets worse at night even with my inhaler so she brought me a little handheld dehumidifier for me to hold in front of my face. The first time it was sitting on something and apparently she put too much water in it and it began bubbling out! Boiling water! Water was running down the wall and on the floor and the only thing I could think of to say was "AGUA, AGUA, AGUA!" (WATER, WATER, WATER!). They, again, thought that was funny (I am glad I am providing some entertainment!) and after that I held it very carefully in front of my face to make sure it wouldn't bubble over! But on a positive note I am beginning to hear and understand Spanish better. I do not know a lot of vocab but I am most of the time able to piece together what was said. When I am in doubt I look at my roommate and she helps me out :) I am trying to speak more, Kayla and I speak Spanish to each other which is good practice...she is also very patient with me, but when someone asks me a question it's like I panic and my mind goes blank! But I assume that will get better with time. Oh back to the school schedule...on Tuesdays I don't have class but I do have a weekly meeting with the ISA people here on how things are going and the plans for the weekend. On Wednesdays I have both classes, Thursday only the second one and Friday only the first. Well I guess that's all for now....hopefully I won't be too tired to post tonight! :)


  1. I love reading about your experiences. You made me laugh out loud. Love you

  2. I'm so glad Maru is such a good cook, since you are so use to that at home.Ha Ha. Love and miss u, Mom
